Garmin Gpsmap 60csx Software For Mac

If you are a Mac owner, the software included in this bundle will not work. After several calls to both REI and Garmin and attempts to use the Mac software updates from Garmin, I was unable to use the Mapsource software. I have to return, purchase the stand-alone unit, and then the Mac friendly TOPO Map separately. View publications in all languages. Question: I have a GARMIN GPSmap 60CSx hand held device which currently has City Navigator Europe 2011 maps software on it which I am seeking to upgrade. Can you please confirm that your Garmin City Navigator Europe NT data card ref: GCNTM9 priced at £74.99 is compatible with the abovementioned GARMIN GPSmap 60CSx. GPSMAP 60CSx software GPSMAP 60CSx software. By pacman529, July 30, 2010 in GPS. Reply to this topic; Start new topic. Or for storing non-Garmin data. The Garmin GPSMAP 60CSx can hold 50 routes, each containing up to 250 turns or stops. ExpertGPS lets you build up long routes quickly - just click waypoints one-by-one on the map to connect them into a route for your Garmin GPSMAP 60CSx. Route names on the Garmin GPSMAP 60CSx can contain up to 14 characters.

15 Oct. 2012 - We have released the version 5.0 Japan map.

Version 5.0 is now on sale! We have released the year 2012 Japan road map.

'Japan Digital Road Map Navigator for Garmin GPS' is a Japan map made for Garmin GPS including the original US model, EU, and Asia Pacific models. This software is software a GARMIN MapSource compatible detail map for Japan.

Garmin Gpsmap 60csx Software For Mac

The road map is the latest year 2012 March digital road map database of Japan made by Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

Garmin Gpsmap 60csx Update

Oaza/Chome level address searching. Searching from postal code. UUD Japan map is the 'only' software to allow address searching in Romaji at this level.

Memory card version installation is instant: Just plug-in the memory card into your Garmin GPS memory card slot to start using Japan map

Japan map support both Windows and Mac platform to display map and manage your track log on your computer screen

Table of Contents

Version 5.0 Main Features

  • This map was made to work with Garmin GPS units made for the U.S., Asia Pacific and European version of Garmin GPS receivers.
  • The road map is the latest year 2013 March digital road map database of Japan made by Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
  • All POIs are shown in either English or roman characters (alphabet) called Romaji that can be used on non-localized Garmin GPS units.

You can navigate all land regions of Japan. If you are using Japan map different from us (exclude map from Garmin Japan), we bet you cannot make navigation from Kagoshima to Aomori properly.


What's New in Version 5.0

- The road map is the latest year 2012 March digital road map database of Japan made by Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

- Over 400K Chome/Oaza/Aza place names for the Japanese address search. The address database is now increased by a factor of 2.

- About 1.2 million POI (the point of interest) including both public facilities and private food & restaurants/shop/hotels/gas stations/bank.

- Updated the postal code search (using the database of 2012/8)

- The preprogrammed memory card version now includes the installer for Windows and Mac for browsing Japan map on PC.

The POI now includes icons for the convenience store, franchise food places, major banks, and major gas stations.

The train station's exits information are included. You can search from 'Cities (Where To > Cities)' to search train station's various exits.

Polygon data available for building shapes, train stations, parks, and leisure spots.

Pricing and Availability

The version 5.0 has two different version. The map of road maps for city navigation and the map of road maps with 10m topographic map for city and outdoor activities navigation.

  • Product Name: Japan Digital Road Map Navigator and 10m topo for Garmin GPS (Road map and topographic map)
  • Product Code: JPNDRMTP5M
  • Price: 19,440 YEN
  • Map size: Entire Japan for 1.96GB (469 regions)

Gpsmap 60csx Driver

  • Product Name: Japan Digital Road Map Navigator for Garmin GPS (Road map only)
  • Product Code: JPNDRM5M
  • Price: 15,120 YEN
  • Map size: Entire Japan for 866MB (469 regions)

The maps are also available in the download version and the preprogrammed memory card version. You can choose either Windows or Mac environment to download. The preprogrammed memory card version is the convenient for the immediate use. If your Garmin GPS support the external memory (either in microSD or SD card format), you can plug-in the memory card into your device and the Japan map is ready to use after power on (cannot browser maps on PC).

Coverage Map

The map coverage is entire Japan land regions. Small square regions in pink are the covered areas.p>

Sample Screenshot

Map sample around Shinagawa station, Tokyo. Many private POI are added. You can find the building shape and parks on the map as well.

eTrex HCx(Night mode): Around Tokyo-station

System Requirements

DVD and the download version requires followings:

Version 5.0 is also available for Mac.

Garmin Gpsmap 60csx Software For Mac
  • Microsoft Windows 8.1, Windows 8, or Windows 7
  • Obtain and install Garmin BaseCamp from Garmin website.

Garmin Gpsmap 60csx Software For Mac Update

  • OS 10.4 or later
  • Garmin MapInstall and MapManager for the Mac (available to download from Garmin website)

Recommended GPS Models

GPS Memory: At least 64MB of available memory for transferring maps is recommended

  • Oregon series, Dakota series
  • GPSMAP 78, GPSMAP 62
  • eTrex 20, eTrex 30, eTrex Vista HCx, eTrex Legend HCx
  • Edge 605, Edge 705, Edge 800, Edge 810, Edge Touring
  • Zumo series
  • Nuvi series

If your model does not come with MapSource software, you will need to download Garmin BaseCamp software from Garmin website.

Garmin Gpsmap 60csx Topo Maps

Indeed, we have not tested any model other than above, but it should work for any GPS from Garmin that support MapSource maps.


  • Most residential roads and city streets in Japan do not have names. Only named major roads, highways and national roads are labeled by road number.
  • You may not find places by address. Searching by address is technically impossible using Garmin devices manufactured for United States and European market. The Japanese banchi address system is not based on the street number system like the US or Europe. Instead you may search and set destination by selecting city, place name(Chome/Oaza/Aza names), postal code, point of interst, geogrpahic coordinate, and browsing the map.


  • You are responsible for the vehicle. You may be in danger when you simply follow the route and may violate traffic rules. Always drive safely and follow traffic rules. Do not use the automatic routing and navigation feature if you do not understand this limitation.
  • The point data including place name, public facilities, and private shops may not be located at correct location. The actual location can differ by few hundred meters since some point data uses geocoding from their address which is not a pinpoint location. The private point data may not find in the correct categories when you search by a GPS receiver's shop categories. Furthermore, their names may display incorrectly since they are translated from Japanese character name to Roman alphabet by an automatic program. It can be very awkward or wrong.
  • Only roads 3m or wider can be used for routing. The smaller roads labeled as 'Non Routable Alley' or 'Non Routable Trail' cannot be used for routing (just picture of lines). When you create a route on device or MapSource, please do not start or end at those 'Non Routable' roads.

About map included in this software

Garmin Gpsmap 60csx Software For Mac Download

  • This road map is based on Japan Digital Road Map Database by Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
  • This map also uses the Digital Map 25,000 (Spatial Data Framework), the Digital Map 25,000 (Map Images) , and the Digital Map 25,000 (Geographical Names & Public Facilities) published by the Geographical Survey Institute of Japan (Kokudo Chiri-in), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, JAPAN with its approval under the article 30 of Surveying Law (Approval Number #643, GYO-SHI H21).
  • This map also uses 'Machiku-level Geocoding Information' compiled by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport